
Welcome to my personal travel journal! If you don't know me, that's OK! I hope you'll enjoy reading about some of my adventures and misadventures, and hopefully learn something new about a corner of the world.

Recent updates:
2015-10-06: Day 8 of Niue in 2011.
2015-10-05: Day 7 of Niue in 2011.
2015-09-29: Day 6 of Niue in 2011.

For list of trips, see TABLE OF CONTENTS.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

28 June 2011:

Looks like I'll be taking the yellow boat back later today. It definitely looks bigger than the white boat. The snorkelling trip took us on a long speed boat ride south to one of the passages between the islands, probably somewhere around Nanuya Balavu. Sadly, we didn't see any manta rays here, but this was the deepest water I've snorkelled in, where I couldn't even see the bottom. It was an interesting feeling diving down and seeing the empty darkness below me - it would have been awesome to see some giant manta rays gliding under me.

Rough notes: http://mandarinmanmarktravelnotes.blogspot.com/2011/06/2011-nz-to-sf-day-46.html

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