
Welcome to my personal travel journal! If you don't know me, that's OK! I hope you'll enjoy reading about some of my adventures and misadventures, and hopefully learn something new about a corner of the world.

Recent updates:
2015-10-06: Day 8 of Niue in 2011.
2015-10-05: Day 7 of Niue in 2011.
2015-09-29: Day 6 of Niue in 2011.

For list of trips, see TABLE OF CONTENTS.

Monday, June 27, 2011

27 June 2011:

A view from the veranda along the dorms. The storm has blown up a lot of clumps of seaweed on the beach. The weather is the morning still isn't good, but at least the wind has died down so I'm no longer worried about having buildings collapse on me.

Rough notes: http://mandarinmanmarktravelnotes.blogspot.com/2011/06/2011-nz-to-sf-day-45.html

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