
Welcome to my personal travel journal! If you don't know me, that's OK! I hope you'll enjoy reading about some of my adventures and misadventures, and hopefully learn something new about a corner of the world.

Recent updates:
2015-10-06: Day 8 of Niue in 2011.
2015-10-05: Day 7 of Niue in 2011.
2015-09-29: Day 6 of Niue in 2011.

For list of trips, see TABLE OF CONTENTS.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

19 June 2011:

A ceremonial house with a large yaqona (pronounced "yahng-ghon-na") bowl in the village of Viseisei, where my couchsurfing host lives. This is one of the oldest villages in Fiji, and the origin of Josefa Iloilo ([Ratu] Josefa Iloilovatu Uluivuda), a recent Tui Vuda (paramount chief of Vuda District) and President of Fiji. I can tell that everyone is very proud of the village's history and traditions. Yaqoga is the Fijian name for kava.

Rough notes:

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